The Annual Provincial Assembly of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity
of Royal Ark Mariners of West Lancashire
Hosted by Philadelphia Lodge of Installed Royal Ark Mariner Commanders
Tuesday 18th September 2018. The Masonic Hall, Burlington Gardens, Leyland.
The new season starts here for many Royal Ark Mariners a lunchtime meeting at Leyland, in fact it’s a very special Provincial Meeting which is presided over by our own PGM and members of his team, that said all members of this wonderful degree are of course welcome to attend and enjoy the proceedings.
PGM & Asst PGM
Serious Discussion
Giles I’ll just check it one more time.
What me, posing
David ready for Action
Well it was a grey overcast day and the old Opel was reluctant to come out of his garage but needs must, we were packed off by my wife with a ham barm cake and the usual small bottle of Dandelion and Burdock in my case (she says it’s for emergencies) off we went to Costco to fill up then it was on to our new smart motorway the M60. The traffic actually kept moving be it very slowly until we turned off on to the M61, could it be that this three years of none stop road works we have had to endure are now having an effect, let’s wait for a judgement on that one, not far past the fork in the road where you can go right to Bolton the traffic on the opposite side was at a standstill, three lanes, I checked the mileage at this point and it was eight miles before it ended, nightmare.
The PGM, Dep PGM, AsstPGM & the recipitants of ProvRAMGR
Is he trying to make a point
It must be ok the Prov DC gives it the Thumbs up
The Casual Tyler
The Team who presented the Talk on the Tracing Board.
Keiron Mullen, PGM., Geoff Waters and Dave Sear
It was 9am when I arrived at the hall but as usual you could always count on one person who would be there before you, the one and only Provincial DC David Emmerson, he was in the Lodge room already starting to get everything in order for the meeting. One of the hardest working members of the Team was next to appear Ernest Gavan the Provincial Tyler who transports all the equipment needed to hold these wonderful meetings in both the RAM and Mark Degrees. Once the usual practise was completed which always ends with the famous words from the DC “Don’t leave your wands in the Lodge or you will have to buy me a pint” it was off for a good drink of coffee which had been laid on for all to enjoy.
W.Bro.MacSymons W.C with PGM etc.
Cheers PGM & Lodge WC.
Prov DC & His Dep DC
Happy to be Here
The meeting opened on time at 11am and following on from quite a few business items on the summons the R.W. PGM Bro Keith Alan Beardmore entered accompanied by his Team of Acting Provincial Officers, they were warmly greeted by the Worshipful Commander, W.Bro. Neil MacSymons, he offered the Sceptre to the PGM who said he would accept it on this occasion and proceeded to open the Provincial Assembly. The meeting now continued at a pace, one sad point of note arrived when due reverence was given by all present to the quite large number of recently departed members, the PGM soon cheered us up again when he announced it was time to invest those worthy Brethren who had been granted Provincial Grand Rank, each and everyone were greeted with loud acclaim. Following on from the investment we were treated to a wonderful explanation of the Tracing Board by three Royal Ark Mariners from the furthest points of the Province in the North West, I had never seen this done before and I’m sure quite a few others present had not seen it either, what is it we say you can always make a daily advancement in Masonry, that’s very true if you take the time to look for it. It was now time for the PGM to hand back the Sceptre to the Worshipful Commander before retiring from the Lodge accompanied by Grand and Acting Prov Grand officers.
Giles in full flow
A Toast to Friends
Happy Degree
On the closing of the meeting everyone returned for a quick photo shoot and as can be seen from the pictures everyone is always smiling in this degree just as in its associate degree the Mark, then it was off to the bar for some liquid refreshment before taking up their allotted seats for the traditional light lunchtime Festive Board. An excellent two course meal was served up by the very efficient and friendly staff; I particularly enjoyed the Ham, Chips and peas lovely, very tasty.
Cheers “The Three Wise Men”
The Festive Board
The Festive Board
We all sat back well contented in anticipation of the responses to the usual toasts and we were not to be disappointed, Asst PGM Giles Berkley gave a superb speech, he held us all spell bound with lots of clever references to everything sailing, this was enjoyed by all and received a well deserved round of applause. Our PGM Keith was last to speak and gave as is usual a very interesting if on this occasion a somewhat short response, he thanked all for making the special effort to attend taking into account the very bad weather conditions and traffic chaos all over the Province, as to his joke of the day I’m sorry but for some reason on this occasion I can’t recall it, did it happen, I’m not sure ??
Always Smiling
Always Smiling
The RAM Shop
As always all too soon the meeting was over, the Prov Tyler gave the closing toast before we all said our goodbyes with a smile and a shake of hands, off we went into the brisk fresh air, a sliver of sunshine could be seen and the drizzle had stopped, the old Opel stood there in splendour covered in leaves I fired it up and off we went, no traffic to speak off, no hold ups nothing, I was soon passing the bus stop on the bridge, the Trafford Centre and that was it, the garage door opened as we approached, I put grumpy to bed and went inside, just in time I thought I had best eat this barm cake before my wife comes home or I’ll be in trouble, this done I settled down into a cosy chair with a small Laphroaig and reflected on the great meeting I had just been to, here’s to the next one, to meet friends I know and the friends I have yet to meet.
842.    ProvTyler Ernie with the closing Toast
Not already a Royal Ark Mariner, come and join us in this great degree, just ask one of your friends in the Mark Degree or get in touch with the Provincial Office on 01772 623590 where they will be only too glad to put you in touch with one of the PGM’s Special Reps for your own area.....  Here’s to the next one.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.
ProvRAMGR. PGStwd.